phraseological units; interlingua comparison; animals of water; structural component; symbol; verbal symbolism.Abstract
The article considers the phraseological units of Ukrainian, Russian and Belarusian languages with components-names of water space’s animals; It has been clarifi ed that humanity refl ects its observation of the appearance and behavior of animals in stable compounds; It has been established that the phraseology of the Eastern Slavic languages fi xes the names of animals of water such as cancer, fi sh (perch, pike, crucian, duck, herring), frog, turtle, leech. The purpose of the article is to compare the structure o f Ukrainian, Russian and Byelorussian phraseological units with the name of animals of water represented in modern phraseological dictionaries of the studied languages; to separate the components- symbols in them, refl ecting the cultural codes of different nations and they are the powerful factor in the formation of a nationally-shaped picture of the world. A comparative analysis of the structure of phraseological units of the Russian, Ukrainian, and Belarusian languages, denotes animals of water space, demonstrates the peculiarity of the perception of the respective cultures. The common and distinctive features conditioned by the similarity of socio-historical living conditions of native speakers, general patterns of development of human being. Comparison of established expressions denotes animals of water in the interlinguistic aspect reveals mostly negative connotations, which mainly refl ect a person’s character traits, behaviors and actions. The prospect of further research is expansion of our investigation observed expressions with the component of water animals in East Slavic languages, further their comparison and isolation them as single, individual, and general features related to the peculiarities of refl ecting the mentality of a people.
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