expressionism, linguistic personality, concept, linguistic picture of the world.Abstract
The relevance of the current research is due to the objective need to undertake an analysis of numerous linguistic units – stylistems that mark the artistic discourse of О. Turyansky, taking into consideration their contextual and functional peculiarity as representatives of a range of linguostylistic, linguopragmatic, semantic, philosophic categories. The scientifi c novelty of the article is defi ned by the fact that it is attempt to explore the frame of expressive-descriptive linguostylistic language means of the writer’s artistic prose as a whole and as a system. The study proves that i n the analyzed texts the stylistemes which highlight the idiolect of the writer and constitute a set of expressive-fi gurative marking means of his language creation represent a number of linguostylistic, linguisticpragmatic, logical- semantic, and philosophical categories that enables to interpret them not only in the linguostylistic fi eld of research, but also within the framework of linguistic pragmatics, the theory of intertextuality, cognitive linguistics and conceptual theory. A specifi c feature of the conceptual sphere of О. Turyansky is the literary interpretation of a number of equivalent categories, such as a sun – a fi re, modern – past, a war – a peace, which in the language of «Beyond the Pain» are embodied with antonymic concepts characteristic of the writer’s artistic discourse. It has been justifi ed that in the language of О. Turyansky there are specifi c linguistic units used to defi ne substantive quantities of content of concept «the fi re» with the text opposition: «life» – «dearth». It represents the particularly relevant contrast between the concepts of «to live» – «to die». The article analyzes the most expressive components of the linguistic and cognitive space of the writer’s artistic prose. The components of the structure of the semantic entities and their functional and semantic purpose are determined.
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