information and communication technologies, Internet, English language classes, higher education institution, project, project activity, student.Abstract
The article deals with information and communication technologies as a means of project activity of high school students in foreign language classes. It is stated that the use of new information technologies extends the boundaries of the educational process, increases its practical orientation, promotes the development of students’ creative abilities, their ability to acquire new knowledge independently, creates conditions for successful self-realization of future specialists. Similar tasks are also realized in the process of organizing the project activity of future specialists, which allows to shift the emphasis from different types of exercises to the active thinking of students’ activity. The purpose of the article is to ana lyze the role of information and communication technologies as a means of project activity of future specialists in the process of learning a foreign language. The essence of the project method has been analyzed as a time-limited activity, presented in the form of measures aimed at solving a socially signifi cant problem and achieving a certain goal, which provides the expected results, through the implementation of related tasks, provided with the necessary resources and managed on the basis of continuous monitoring of the activity and its results, taking into account the possible risks. Characterization of information and communication technologies has been shown. The tasks performed by the project, its preparation is carried out with the help of information and communication technologies (intensifi cation of the educational process; system integration of subject tasks, development of students’ experimental and research activities; construction of an open system of education that provides each participant (students and teachers) with the own approach to selfeducation). The most common types of ICT projects used in higher educational establishments in foreign language classes (preparation of abstracts and reports; creation of booklets, brochures, posters, collages, newspapers, presentations, websites, videos, audio tracks, etc.) are identifi ed. The role of ICT in each of the structural stages of the project activity has been indicated. It has been proved that many topical tasks of modern foreign language learning can be successfully solved by integration into the process of teaching foreign languages of the project method by means of information and communication technologies, which can be successfully applied at all stages of project activity realization. Issues of methods of organization of distance learning of foreign languages in the conditions of globalization and informatization, preparation of future foreign language teachers to work in the conditions of information and communication environment, etc. are also promising for the study.
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