educational games; communicative competence; future teacher.Abstract
The article deals with one of the active methods of teaching in higher educational institutions – educational games. The importance of their use at English lessons is emphasized with the purpose of forming the foreign language communicative competence of future teachers. Games in a foreign language is a situational-variational exercise, which creates the opportunity for repeated repetition of a language sample in the conditions as close as possible to real language communication with its inherent features: emotionality, spontaneity, purposefulness of linguistic infl uence. That is, in the course of the game the students develop lexical, grammatical skills, the students gain experience of language communication. The main purpose of using the game method is to create the motivation to succeed in learning. The condition for success in the development of thinking is the high cognitive activity of students. The game is by no means coercive and is a purely voluntary process, and the advantage of playing techniques over other forms of training is that it achieves its goal unnoticed by participants, does not require any means of violence against the individual . Players are interested in the game result, and the teacher clearly defi nes the methodology, principles of implementation of game activity in the educational process. In the didactic game, the learning tasks are mediated, which ensures their effectiveness. One of the essential features of educational games is that during their conduct the teacher acts as a director and students – the actors. The game has a collective character, where students take the whole initiative. Evaluate, analyze, monitor the language of students opponents, experts, arbitrators from among students. The teacher controls the correctness of the actions of the participants of the game, fi xes the successful implementation of roles, gaps, language mistakes, common mistakes and only at the end of the class when summarizing, tactfully draws attention to them, prompting and explaining how best to act in a particular situation.
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