


linguistic picture of the world; lexical dialectism; dictionary «Hutsul dialect vocabulary and phrasemics in the Ukrainian artistic language»; regional-linguistic picture of the world; nominative unit; phrasema, paremia.


The article analyzes the dictionary «Hutsul dialect vocabulary and phrasemics in the Ukrainian literary language» as a source of modeling the Hutsul linguistic picture of the world in Ukrainian fi ction. The main provisions of the article are based on the fact that the basic components of the linguistic picture of the world are words as nominative units. In each national language, the designation (name) of the elements of the conceptual picture of the world is carried out primarily with the help of nominative units. In addition to the concept of a national linguistic picture of the world, there are regional linguistic pictures of the world, the linguistic basis of which are local dialects. The specifi city of the regional-linguistic picture of the world is determined by dialectal language forms, as they name the realities of extralinguistic reality, for which no names were needed in the national language outside the dialectal area. The framework of the Hutsul linguistic picture of the world in its artistic version consists of key dialectisms within certain thematic layers of vocabulary, lexicographically elaborated in the mentioned dictionary. Lexical elements of the linguistic picture of the world in the Ukrainian artistic language cover the most various spheres of life and activity of Hutsuls: life, production sphere, material and spiritual, culture, beliefs, demonology, nature, etc. The dictionary also deals with stable phrases - phrasemics, paremias, curses, etc., which signifi cantly complement and enrich the artistic version of the Hutsul language picture of the world. The dictionary as a whole provides extensive information in the semantic characteristics of dialectal nominative units and in the context of their use in literary texts and in fi gurative and stylistic remarks, w hich allows to model the Hutsul linguistic picture of the world through the prism of Ukrainian artistic language.


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