


dialects; adjectives; accent types; accent paradigms; Ukrainian dialect space.


The article is devoted to the analysis of the emphasis of qualitative adjectives that differentiate the Ukrainian dialect. This is clearly evidenced by the maps of the Atlas of the Ukrainian language, which reflect the dialectal features of the stress of adjectives. The question arises of the genesis of accentuation types found in Ukrainian dialects, as well as the directions of accent changes: from root to prefix, suffix, inflection or vice versa. The expediency of not only identifying but also explaining the functioning of modern accent types is emphasized. A detailed analysis of the emphasis of adjectives is carried out on the basis of dialect texts as a whole, which are presented in collections of dialect texts, in particular in the textbook of dialect texts - Dialekts of the Ukrainian language. Collection of texts (Texts), which represent the south-eastern, south-western, northern, as well as descriptive works. To clarify the history of the emergence of accent types used works on historical accentology, in particular L.A. Bulakhovsky, V.M. Ilyich-Svitich, V.G. Sklyarenko, Z.M. Veselovskaya. As a result of the research, modern accent types were identified and analyzed as reflexes of late Proto-Slavic accent paradigms. Based on the analysis, it is concluded that qualitative adjectives in Ukrainian dialects retain the old place of emphasis, and acquired a new type of emphasis. Factors that influenced the emphasis of adjectives are: loss of former intonation and temporal-quantitative relations; change of intonations (descending emphasis in the non-article form passed to ascending - root - in the article form); mixing of two types of stress in the formation of article forms of adjectives from non-article; in particular, when article and non-article forms of adjectives have different emphasis. In the formation of article forms of adjectives from non-article there was not only a change in the structure of the word, but also a change in intonations: the descending stress in the non-article form was transformed in the article form of adjectives into ascending - root. The proposed study presents only a fragment of the research of the functioning of modern accent types in Ukrainian dialects as reflections of Proto-Slavic paradigms of adjectives. That is why it remains promising to study the processes and phenomena of stressing adjectives that both differentiate and integrate the Ukrainian dialect space.


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