national-linguistic picture of the world, artistic picture of the world, interjections, sound-imitating words, Petro Karmansky.Abstract
The article substantiates the idea of the importance of taking into account the elements of the morphological level in structuring the linguistic picture of the world of the people in general and an individual in particular. Its purpose is to identify interjections in the poetic texts of P. Karmansky, to trace their structural-semantic and functional characteristics, the role in the representation of the individual-author picture of the world of the writer. The article reveals the concept of national-linguistic picture of the world, defi nes its relationship to the conceptual, individual and individual-author (artistic) pictures of the world. It is shown that the conceptual reproduces the elements of the world universe (objects, phenomena, values, guidelines) and the connections between them; linguistic represents them in linguistic categories, linguistic units and phenomena of speech; individual and individual-author is the result of rational and sensory comprehension of the environment embodied in the speech (texts) of specifi c individuals. The characteristic features of the creative manner of Petro Karmansky, his general attitude to depict the state of man, immersed in the world of his own soul. A soul disappointed by the injustice of the world, full of sorrow and feelings for its own fate and the fate of the native people. It is established that the lexicon of the poet Petro Karmansky presents almost all the semantic categories of exclamations and phonetic words, which are united by the concept and term interjection. It is determined that exclamations in the author’s texts dominate over sound-imitating words. It is proved that emotional exclamations are marked by special activity; they outnumber other semantic digits as well. It is stated that the representatives of all semantic categories correlate in one way or another with the general mood of the poet’s works - a singer of pain and sorrow, with the peculiarities of his worldview, his values and moral guidelines. The composition of these units is characterized in terms of origin (specifi c and borrowed) and on the basis of primary / secondary (non-derivatives and derivatives). Emphasis is placed on the specifi cs of their semantics, its dependence on the context. The peculiarities of the author’s use of units of this lexical-grammatical class are analyzed.
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