phraseological units; phraseology; phraseological space; phrase system; interlingual comparison; entomonym; structural component.Abstract
The article examines the phraseological units of the Ukrainian, Russian and Belarusian languages with phraseologisms-entonyms; it was found that in the phraseological systems of East Slavic languages there are many stable compounds with the names of insects (entonyms), the world of which is extremely rich and diverse; it was noted that they clearly show the features of the national mentality, refl ect the specifi cs of worldview, thinking of the Eastern Slavs; Although most phraseological units with an entomonym component have the same semantics in East Slavic languages, each of them reveals specifi cs regarding the functioning of phraseological units. The purpose of the article is to analyze the phraseological units’ structure with entomonymic component, represented in modern phraseological dictionaries of Ukrainian, Russian and Belarusian, in a comparative aspect; to single out the phraseologisms-entonyms, the meanings of which is closely connected with the cultural and historical traditions of the people. The results of the study showed that comparative linguistic and cultural analysis allows us to state that entonyms in the East Slavic phraseological space are a powerful factor in forming the national image of the world; interlingual comparison of the structure of phrases with the phraseology-entomonym refl ects mainly negative connotations, which mainly characterize any quality of a person - his intellect, actions, behavior, appearance, shortcomings of character. For the future, there remains the analysis of stable expressions with a phraseologeme-entomonym in East Slavic languages in the linguoculturological aspect, their further interlingual comparison and the discovery in them of differences and common features associated with the peculiarities of refl ecting the mentality of a particular people.
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