concept, nation, political sphere, Ukrainian political discourse.Abstract
The article aims at performing linguistic and cognitive analysis of the concept nation in the historical establishment of the Ukrainian political thought. The study represents the evolution of the concept semantics as one of the crucial components in the political sphere. It points out the tight connection between the meaning of the concept and the historical establishment of the Ukrainian political thought by means of cognitive and discursive approach. Linguocognitological analysis based on interdisciplinary phonetic material enabled to trace the multidimensional a nd dynamic character of the conceptual notion, its natural semantic amorphousness. The political features of the researched phenomena defi nes its character, while the process of nation creation is permanent. Thus, defi ning of the concept nation is always in progress. Observation of the semantic evolution of the concept ethnos into the concept nation makes possible to realize the mechanism of the development of ethnos into nation – as “a way to ourselves”, to our statehood.
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