

calligraphy; calligraphic writing; calligraphic skill; letter, writing.


Modern primary education aims to ensure the comprehensive development of students through education and training. These tasks are based on universal values and such principles. The quality and effectiveness of primary school education depends on the activities of the teacher, during which a high level of learning in any subject must be ensured. The primary school teacher must have a thorough knowledge of all primary school subjects, including calligraphy, as required by the specifi cs of his work. The formation of calligraphic writing in primary school students is a complex process. Students must master technical, graphic, and spelling skills. Younger students who master these skills will have good handwriting and literacy. These skill grou ps can only be formed by an elementary school teacher. Therefore, the question of the role of the teacher in the formation of calligraphic writing in primary school students is very important. The purpose of the article is to fi nd out and prove the importance of the teacher’s work in the formation of calligraphic writing in primary school students. In elementary school, calligraphy is taught in every lesson. The content of calligraphy classes is determined by the theme of the Ukrainian language lesson. In such classes, students practice the development of eye movement, writing letters in the order of their complication. Students learn to write all the lowercase letters of the alphabet and combine them into words in groups. Gradually, students learn to write words, sentences, and coherent texts. An important place is given to exercises for writing individual syllables and diffi cult for students letter combinations, writing to the beat, under the dictation of the teacher. All this acquires special signifi cance for the gradual mastery of calligraphic writing by students. The success of students in mastering calligraphic writing depends on the teacher’s preparation for work, on his own skills of calligraphic writing. If the teacher does not violate the rules of writing, hygienic requirements for him, will be a role model for students, the teacher’s manners will be inherited by his students. 


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