



text; poetics; poetic function; image; artistic system; style; genre.


The review article provides a critical analysis of Anatolii Moisiienko’s monograph “Text as an artistic givenness. Problems of poetic language”. The famous linguist and writer is once again interested in aesthetic communication, its general philological context – language, literary, translation studies. The artist-researcher devotes three sections of his book to the issues of language being. The basis of the already tested scientifi c concept is built of the ideas about the world as a special text, about the multidimensional nature of poetics, about the dynamic essence of the image and an integral artistic system. In the applied aspect, the scientist’s attention is drawn to samples of extravagant literature, such as chess poetry, as well as, in general, the creative laboratory of strong language personalities, their artistic experiments, and innovation. The author of the reviewed monograph consistently proves the idea that the technique of poetic creation is important in the work of both the artist of the word, the scientist, and the publicist. All of them wo rk with the facts of a language for which the poetic function is characteristic a priori. The intention for an emotional and aesthetic worldview is laid down in all styles and genres. Artistic tasks are presented to each author, however, they are implemented in different ways, in special techniques of aestheticization – as national, compositional, or linguistic – fi gurative specifi cs. The text is interesting for the scientist as a process, in the embodiment of “movement – development – modifi cation”. The poetological approach draws attention to the fact that any segment of the textual structure is potentially signifi cant for understanding the work as a whole, as a system. In fact, we are talking about syncretic (universal) linguopoetics.


Мойсієнко, А. (2015). Філологічні студії: поетика, лінгвістика, літературознавство, літературна критика, перекладознавство, інтерв’ю, публіцистика. Київ ; Умань : Жовтий О. О.

