



communicative intension, communicative strategy, the rules of the speech interaction, cooperation principle, indirect speech acts, cooperative and confrontation strategies, functional strategies.


The article deals with the notion of the communicative strategies and speech tactics as the integral parts of the discourse analysis. The author stresses the fact that the result of the communicative situation may be either communicative cooperation or the communicative confl ict. The third, alternative of the above mentioned situation may be the communicative rivalry (contest). The classifi cation of the communicative strategies, mentioned in the works of some native and foreign scholars are given. Depending on the language resourses of the dialogue discourse the strategies are divided into the communicative and meaningful, and depending on the goal of speaking they are divided into the cooperative, confl ictogenic and manipulative. The level of mildness and toughness of the communicative strategies depends on the conditions of specifi c communicative situation, status and psychological characteristics of the addressee. The article states that according to some linguists the term “strategies and tacticts” came into the linguistics from military art. But the active usage of such terms and their analysis as the language phenomena is not only the consequence of expansion of linguistics into different adjacent subject. Some patterns are conditioned by the process of communication itself and the peculiarities of the cognitive activity of a person. The author emphasizes that in the process of communication one can observe some sequence of actions that are directed towards the establishment, support and completion of the contact between the communicants. Supporting such contacts is the most diffi cult task due to various reasons (cognitive, social and psychological). Speakers’ aspiration to achieve the communicative goals may include the correction or even change of the goals set at the beginning of the conversation because of the inobservance of speaking rules by the communication participants. The article contains the short characteristics of the communicative strategies in the dialogue discourse. It dwells on the fact that the communicative strategy includes planning of the communication depending on different conditions and the peculiarities of the speakers (their social roles, status and the like). So the goals of the communicative strategy is the correction of the model of condudt of the addressee. During the non-confl ict communicative strategy the speaker can manipulate the addressee in some way, infl uence his conduct and actions to achieve their own purpose. In practice, every individual uses in his speech either communicative or confrontative strategy, that’s why the most productive style of the individual verbal behaviour of the person is the flexible one.


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