


language strategy, manipulation, manipulation tactics, manipulative infl uence, manipulative technologies, consciousness, manipulation of consciousness.


A characteristic feature of political discourse is language manipulation, which is a holistic speech action aimed at the mass addressee in order to gain and retain power. Therefore, this article is devoted to the current problem of manipulation, which is gaining momentum every day. The article considers the problem of manipulation in interpersonal communication. The analysis of works in this fi eld allows to defi ne the basic groups of manipulative receptions which are used in discussions. The topic of manipulation of public consciousness today is actively discussed among the general public, increasingly becoming the subject of heated scientifi c discussions and heated journalistic controversy. The process of preparation and manipulation of human consciousness or collective consciousness plays a huge role in infl uencing the emotional state, motivation, rational thinking in order to change the patterns of behavior of specifi c target audiences, which in turn increases the negative psychological impact. Bribery, blackmail and the threat of murder have long been used as ways to manipulate the consciousness of a person or a particular group of people, but they are incentives for the desired human behavior in a certain direction. Manipulation of social sentiments, achievement of specifi c goals and objectives is always important for politicians. Guided by these feelings, politicians tend to use a rich arsenal of linguistic tactics of infl uence. The current instability of Ukraine and the hybrid war with our country make this issue the subject of special attention. These factors contribute to an active international discussion of the situation. Language tactics and strategies are an integral part of negotiations and meetings, so the need to ensure effective intercultural communication confi rms the relevance of the chosen research topic. It can be concluded that manipulation has a special place in Ukrainian and English political discourse. Therefore, politicians’ public speeches are, as a rule, created with the ultimate aim: to infl uence people’s consciousness through thoughtful and proven techniques, namely linguistic means.


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