accentuation, stress, accent type, stress of participles.Abstract
The article is devoted to the specifi cs of stressing adjectives in the collection of poetry by Vasyl Stus “Palimpsest: Favorites”. It was found that the adjective has its own accentuation peculiarities, which are associated with the emphasis on the corresponding verb bases. The most quantitatively represented in poetry are passive participles, formed from the infi nitive of verbs of the perfect (rarely – imperfect) form with the suffi xes-н- (-ен-,-єн-), -т-, used in the attributive function. Three accent types of stress are defi ned: prefi x, root and suffi x. About forty participles are recorded with an accented prefi x -ви, which is typical for the Ukrainian language. The root accent type of passive and active adjectives, mainly prefi x-suffi x, which corresponds to the modern Ukrainian literary norm, is most quantitatively represented. The suffi x accent type is also quite widely represented. It is established that unprefi xed adjectives and the corresponding prefi x formations do not differ in emphasis, which is an accentuative feature of the participle. In his poetry Vasyl Stus uses rare lexemes, dialect words and creates individual authorial innovations with their own accents that diversify, enhance meaning and give a special sound, for example: зво́мплений, ненатлий, розпроклятущий, розкошланий, розколошканий, самосебезмертвілий, сліпосяйний, осонцений, сторозтриклятий, схарапуджений etc. Since the forms of active verbs of the present tense are not peculiar to modern Ukrainian literary language, words with suffi xes -ч-, -щ-, which are formed from the bases of present tense intransitive verbs with suffi xal stress, are not highly represented in the poetic speech of Vasyl Stus: будучий, живлющий, колючий, летючий, мигтючий, невсипущий, сліпучий, співучий, ходячий. It is determined that unprefi xed adjectives and the corresponding prefi x formations do not differ in emphasis, which is an accentuative feature of the adjective. Accentuation analysis of participles in the poetry by Vasyl Stus shows that the artist widely uses participles in idiosyncrasy, as well as creates individual authorial lexemes, which emphasize the accent types of modern Ukrainian literary language. At the same time, participle stress refl ects real language practice.
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