
  • Оksana MAKSYMIUK
  • Natalia MAKSYMIUK



dialogic discourse, refusal utterences, speech act, speech genre, locus, illocution, perlocution.


The article analyzes utterences with the refusal meaning of Ukrainian-language artistic dialogue discourse in the context of modern linguistic trends. It had been taking into account that the multifaceted nature of modern anthropocentric linguistics has allowed the formation of different terminological systems. etc. The anthropocentric paradigm of modern linguistics causes a natural increase in interest in language issues, the peculiarities of language use in real communication processes. One aspect of such a description is the study of speech genres (SG). These genres as units and categories of communicative activity have become the subject of the description of linguo genealogy. A comprehensive study of utterences with refusal meaning in the paradigm of different linguistic directions determines the choice of terminological apparatus. Therefore, the purpose of our article is to establish the grounds of correlation of the concept of speech genre with other categories of communication, as well as to determine the position of refusal utterences to classify speech genres. Thus, appealing to the question of correlation of the concept of speech genre with other categories of communication, taking into account recent research on the outlined issues, we can allow that SG appear as enshrined in public circulation patterns of speech, adopted in certain situations and designed to convey certain content – typical ways of constructing speech are characterized by more complex construction than speech acts (SA) (which is actually a speech action performed in the pragmatic coordinates I (sender / addressee) – You (addressee / sender) – here – now under the infl uence of a large number of communicative factors and can combine several illocutionary forces. It is diffi cult to identify the boundaries between SA and SG in speech as in real communication they are presented in fragments, and can be implemented by one SA, or combine fragments of other MG. Each statement can be both a corresponding SA and a fragment of (not necessarily of the same name) MG or its specifi c implementation. Our communicative-pragmatic and semantic analysis made it possible to qualify the refusal as SG of the reactive speech register, which has (mostly) dialogical nature, functions in the conditions of direct speech communication as the primary SG, which arises as a reaction to directive or commission type remarks, can act as elementary SG or complicated by other types of statements. Dialogic speech (replica- stimulus-replica-reaction) is relevant for our research, during the analysis of which we will take into account both the intentions of the speaker and the intentions of the addressee in the further development of this question.


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