Lesia Ukrainka; theological exegesis; intellectual dialogue; language actualization, drama; idiolect.Abstract
The article deals with the fi gure of Lesia Ukrainka in the modern books such us: Lesia Ukrainka. Apocrypha. Selected. His Beatitude Sviatoslav Shevchuk, Oksana Zabuzhko. Four conversations about Lesia Ukrainka (2020) and Myroslav Layuk. Iron Water (2021). We aim to analyze only those aspects of Lesia Ukrainka’s interpretation that are emphasized on the basis of her creative language and epistolary in the modern books. It was found out that the modern book is an indirect interpretation of Lesia Ukrainka through the language of her art works, epistolary; it is an accent that breaks certain stereotypes about the poet and shows public demands. Theological exegesis in the form of intellectual dialogue gives grounds to assert that Lesia Ukrainka deeply believes and she is an apologist of Christianity; that the poet is a passionate thinker who imposes gospel plots on her own drama, on her existential experience, sometimes expressing her loneliness, although she feels like a prophet in his culture – a culture of prosperity, human development in the environment of life, not death; that feminist views turned out to be a search for harmony rather than a rift. Consonant accents are placed in the art work about Lesia Ukrainka. It is proved that the theological view reveals not only an important segment in the poet’s work, but is the key to its interpretation.
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