


cultural term, nomination, linguo-cultural analysis, structural analysis, component analysis, distributive analysis, word-formation analysis, juxtaposed method, sema, borrowing.


The culturological aspect of investigatin of dialect’s lexical system corresponds to the problem «language – thinking – culture». The purpose of the study is to offer the methods of culinary folk terminology analysis. The source base is the Bukovynian folk culinary nomenclature. Linguo-cultural analysis of the study was used to determine the specifi cs of Bukovinian material (culinary) culture. In terms of prevalence we distinguish: well-known culinary terms: боршч; common Bukovinian: ку’леша, галуш’ки. We single out local culinary terms – occasional manifestations of culinary names with a bright connotative color: ‘боса ‘дзупа, ‘го- цбоц, стулие’писки, спотие’кач. Based on the structural method the structure of folk culinary terminology units is clarifi ed: culinary terminology is represented by oneword and analytical nominations. Component analysis is important in the modeling of culinary nomenclature. The differential feature – the lower level sema – distinguishes thematic groups and then thematic microgroups. Distributive analysis makes it possible to distinguish a nominative microfi eld – a set of language units with one basic culinary term based on genus-species relations. Word-formation analysis makes it possible to identify the main motivational models and to characterize the methods of culinary nomenclature nomination. The juxtaposed method allows to establish the donor language of the folk culinary term and fi nd out the ways of its penetration in the Ukrainian dialects. The juxtaposed method makes it possible to identify interlingual connections of folk culinary terms. In the Bukovinian folk nomenclature there are borrowings from the Romanian language (г′рана), Polish (п’ін′цак), German (в’ікту′ал’ійа), English (′л’івер), Hungarian (гу′л’аш), Jewish (ма′йіна), Italian (фрика’дел’ка).


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