


conceptosphere, language image-concept, concept parameter, concept-hyponym, secondary nomination, metaphor.


Linguistic image-concept – the basic concept of artistic conceptology, which explores the individual-authorial pictures of the world and features of representation of common language concepts – mental entities that refl ect the content of cognitive activity of the individual and society, is a carrier of information about known objects and culture of the people and features of their emotional and value perception. The advantages of the term “language image-concept” over the term “concept” are that it emphasizes the signifi cance in the structure of the phenomenon it denotes subjective, image-associative and emotional-evaluative components, accompanying the objective, logical-conceptual. The purpose of the article is to trace the specifi cs of the linguistic representation of the image-concept of WILL in Peter Karmansky’s poetic collection “For Honor and Freedom” with an emphasis on which of its parameters and why its author actualizes. In the context of this goal, it seemed important for the authors to fi nd out the time and circumstances of writing and publishing the collection: the poems were created during the struggle of Galician Ukrainians for the Western Ukrainian People’s Republic (1918-1922) and published in 1923 in Brazil. was a poet on behalf of his government. The analysis of the texts of the poems included in the considered collection, in particular, their lexical composition made it possible to conclude that the poet actualizes in them fi rst of all historical-patriotic, as well as psycho-emotional and moral- ethical parameters of the language image-concept WILL. The dominance of the historical and patriotic parameter is motivated by the fact that the author’s attention is focused on those meanings that are based on the meaning of ‘freedom, independence; the opposite slavery, slavery of the state of Ukraine’. The validity of this conclusion is evidenced, among other things, by the fi gurative-associative connections of the concept of WILL, and along with them – the most important concepts-hyponyms, which form its structure as a hyperonymic formation, as well as nomen-verbalizers, among which metaphors are noted.


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