political terminology, interwar period, Ukrainian military organization, idea-concept, linguocognitological dimension.Abstract
Actualization of the issue. The language transformation of the cognitive existence in Galicia of the midwar period is carried out by means of political lexicon represented by terms politonyms. Their multidimensional semantics is a result of cooperation of different structures of various types: cognitive psycholinguistic (psycho real) meaning as a complex of core and peripheral features actualized via separate word in the speaker’s consciousness; speech (discourse) on the basis of three united pragmatic (connotative, implicative, emotive) meaning generated by speaker’s pragmatic area; linguistic (systemic meaning based on a notion and formed in dictionary according to the principle of reductionism). Complementary relations among the mentioned meanings correspond the new ideas on the term semantics and prove the broading of the research paradigm – from structural (notion centered) to anthropocentric with its cognitive and communicative forms. Anthropocentric approach possesses interlinguistic dimension of processes of military and political term formation, which enables to introduce cultural and historical portrait of the Galician community of that time, features of its world perception at the midwar period. Therefore both components the notional (contextual) and evaluative (axiological) affect the content of a term politonym. Thus, the meaning of a term politonym with its evaluative ability to infl uence political reality with its ideological, social and cultural multidimensional nature reveals ethnocentric and pragmatic characteristics. This tendency is brought about by the fact that people who long to be a subject but not an object of history creates its own political picture of the world – “in its image and likeness”. The objective ofthe research consists in considering of the historical meaning of the Ukrainian underground movement, the Ukrainian military organization (UVO) in particular in struggle to revive the Ukrainian statehood. The analysis is carried out on the basis of complex (lexicographical, cognitive and discourse) observation of the political lexicon at the midwar period.
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