adverb, language personality, speech skills, communicative-activity approach, synonyms, speech development, linguistic competence.Abstract
The article deals with the peculiarities of studying the adverb in primary school, advisability of using a communicative-activity approach while working on this part of speech is reasoned. It is noted that work on the adverb should be aimed at developing students’ ability to use adverbs in their own speech and mastering theoretical information about this part of speech should be subject to the speech development of primary school children. Attention is paid to the need of usage coherent texts while working on an adverb; the role of synonymous-adverbs in enriching students’ vocabulary is emphasized. The purpose of the article is to emphasize the importance of knowledge of the adverb to enrich the linguistic competence of primary school children, their speech development; to prove the expediency of communicative-activity approach to work on this part of speech in Ukrainian language lessons in primary school on the basis of the studied literature, own observations of the learning process in Ukrainian language lessons in primary school. Based on the analysis of the problem of studying the adverb in primary school on the basis of communicative-activity approach, it is concluded that the development of the adverb in Ukrainian language lessons in 4th grade is based on clearly defined current programs topics; the attention of junior schoolchildren is drawn to the peculiarities of this part of speech, its place among other parts of speech, as well as the role of adverbs in enriching students’ vocabulary. The lessons devoted to the study of this part of the speech have a practical-speech orientation, mastering theoretical information about the adverb helps to develop students’ ability to use adverbs in their own (oral and written) speech. The realization of this is possible only with a communicative-activity approach, which provides an entire study of language and speech. In our opinion, the problem of studying the adverb in primary school is relevant and needs further study. Innovative approaches to the processing of this part of the language are especially significant.
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