emotional intelligence; primary school age; empathy, motivation, Ukrainian language lessons, self-regulation, refl ection, interpersonal interaction, communication.Abstract
The article fi nds out that the structural components of emotional intelligence and their signifi cance in the process of interpersonal interaction are considered; determined that the structural components include: recognition of their own emotions, possession of emotions, understanding of emotions, self-motivation; it was found that insuffi ciently developed emotional intelligence leads to problems of the student in determining and understanding their own emotions; proved that the main components of emotional intelligence (empathy, achievement motivation, self-regulation, refl ection) are necessary for a successful start in the formation of communicative competence of junior high school students; It is noted that the formation of emotional intelligence can occur only in the process of communication modeled in the Ukrainian language lesson. According to researchers, success in social life is determined by the level of development of emotional intelligence and mental abilities. Teachers argue that improving the logical thinking and outlook of primary school students is not a guarantee of their future success in life. The ability to communicate successfully is necessary not only in everyday life, but also in the educational environment of primary school, which allows you to constructively resolve confl ict situations, successfully communicate with peers and teachers, increase external and internal motivation. Therefore, in Ukrainian language lessons in primary school it is necessary to pay more attention to the emotions of students. The purpose of the article is to consider the structural components of emotional intelligence and their importance in the process of interpersonal interaction; described the conditions for the development of emotional intelligence in younger students. The term «emotional intelligence», used in Ukrainian and foreign methods, is used to denote a set of abilities, knowledge, skills related to the regulation of the emotional sphere of students and necessary for successful communication. There are various techniques and techniques that can shape and develop emotional intelligence. Among the most important and frequently used are game forms of tasks (role-playing games, dramatization, games to develop communication skills), fairy tales, poems, sketches, drawings and photos, music and songs, mini-contests, gamescompetitions. Thus, the modern educational process requires from the participants the sustainable development of interpersonal skills, the ability to control their emotions. Today’s students spend more time on different technologies (computers, phones, tablets, etc.), forgetting about live, emotional communication with peers. Therefore, the school tries to develop students’ emotional intelligence during lessons and extracurricular activities.
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