ritual vocabulary, funeral rite vocabulary, maternity rite vocabulary, dialecticism, dictionary, lexicographic studyAbstract
The article highlights the vocabulary of funeral and maternity rites, lexicographically elaborated in the dictionary “Hutsul Dialect Vocabulary and Phrasemics in the Ukrainian Belletristic Language”. Hutsul dialect words and phrases of the funeral rite became the subject of analysis: подзвінне, в подуші дзвонити, посижінє, грушка, оґарчік, пекти гусака, заїц, лопатка, молоти муку, виріжьити, опровадити, прятати, вирєда, опровід, вічна вирєда, пращєти, прошші, комашня, коливо, кокуц, подаваник, подавничок, хавтур, річі, погріб’єник. Fewer dialecticisms have been characterized from the vocabulary of the birth ceremony – ерстити, нанашко, нанашка, крижма, вивід. As the research showed, in the dictionary “Hutsul Dialect Lexicon and Phrasemics in the Ukrainian Belletristic Language” through dictionary articles, in which the semantics of a number of dialect words of funeral and birth rites are clarified, their use in Ukrainian fiction is illustrated, segments of the linguistic picture of the Hutsul world are reflected in area of funeral and maternity rites. The very fact of using or not using ceremonial vocabulary in belletristic texts, the frequency of dialectics, their use by authors not only from the Hutsul region, but also from other regions significantly expands and enriches the possibilities of modeling the worldview of such a colorful ethnographic group as the Hutsuls. The birth of a child and the death of a person occupy an important place in the Hutsul worldview. This is clearly evidenced by the wide use of the vocabulary of birth and funeral rites, primarily Hutsul dialect words. The greater number of dialectics that reflect funeral rites over the vocabulary of the birth rite may testify to the greater metaphysical importance of death over birth. In turn, among the funeral rites, the stage when relatives, neighbours, and acquaintances gather in the house of the deceased to pay their respects, pray for his soul, and sit with him at night is especially distinguished. This is confirmed by the disproportionately high prevalence in the belletristic language of the names of the said ceremony and the fun of the youth during its implementation. As evidenced by the analyzed materials, the key event of the Hutsul birth ceremony is the baptism of a newborn child. We see the prospects for further research of the outlined problem in the expansion of the study of the lexicographic processing of the mentioned dialecticisms to the full coverage of the entire ceremonial vocabulary.
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