collocation, corpus linguistics, diachronic study, noun, noun phrase, WISDOMAbstract
This research article delves into a diachronic exploration of the English noun WISDOM, employing a corpus-based methodology to investigate its semantic evolution over two distinct temporal spans: 1990–1994 and 2015–2019. The primary dataset utilized is the Corpus of Contemporary American English, facilitating a comprehensive analysis that delves into the confluence of linguistics and cybernetics. This confluence has fostered a deeper understanding of the evolution of corpus linguistics, a field advanced through designated corpora and specialized software. Noteworthy scholars in corpus linguistics, both international and Ukrainian, are highlighted in the article. The study extensively examines the noun WISDOM, its corresponding noun phrases, and collocational patterns to offer a detailed examination of its semantic deployment and temporal frequency shifts. The research employs a corpus-driven methodology, capitalizing on the vast and varied materials within the Corpus of Contemporary American English. Furthermore, the article provides a thorough overview of the noun’s attributes and grammatical profile, establishing WISDOM as an uncountable singular abstract common noun. The study’s findings reveal a decline in the usage frequency of WISDOM during the 2015–2019 period compared to 1990–1994. Interestingly, specific collocational associations showcase a contrary trend. Additionally, minimal divergence is observed in the domains of application and prevalent collocations between the two examined time frames, suggesting a remarkable consistency in the contextual usage of the term. Overall, the article underscores the paramount importance of corpus methodologies in propelling linguistic inquiries forward. By shedding light on the intricate interplay between linguistic evolution and cybernetic principles, this research contributes to a nuanced understanding of semantic fluctuations within language, which are a promising and pertinent area for further scholarly investigation.
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