


language image, linguistic phenomenon, symbol, concept, linguopoetics, language thinking, associate, language creation, mother-centrism, language awareness, seme


The article focuses on the intricate linguistic and stylistic interpretation of the image of mother in language creation of famous Ukrainian poets of the sixties Ivan Drach, Lina Kostenko and Mykola Vinhranovskyi. The authors note that the inner form of a symbolic and axiologically significant wordimage implies mental profundities, traces receptive stereotypes, forms an individual associative space that does not always correlate with the folk song and traditional poetic mother-centrism of Shevchenko or Malyshko, although Kobzar’s verified linguistic triad (mother-woman, mother-Ukraine, Mother of God – Mary, the Virgin, Madonna), which universally represents one of the crucial segments of the national poetic picture of the world, is observed quite clearly. The article tracks down the way philosophical aspects are actualized in the researched contexts (the immanence of maternal love and sacrifice, the inevitability of separation, pain, emotional turmoil, the inevitability of loss). Planetarian nature, timelessness, extra-dimensionality are intrinsic attributes of the linguistic thinking of I. Drach, Lina Kostenko, M. Vinhranovskyi. It is postulated that the authors’ innovativeness lies in their ability to convincingly and appealingly combine mental (from the depths of people’s worldview) and philosophical axiological foundations in presenting an image that is sensitive for national language awareness, and highlight its receptive universalism. It is emphasized that in most of Drach’s texts, the word-image mother appears in common everyday situations. Her linguistic portrait is not stylized in a folk song or traditional poetic manner; it is natural, explicit, touching in its commonness. In “Chornobyl Madonna” and “Madonna of Crossroads” drama interacts with sacredness. The sanctity of motherhood, her nation protection mission permeates other contexts as well (in Lina Kostenko’s poems of the Great War period). It is generalized that the mental-axiological linguistic phenomenon of the image of mother is the most universally embodied in the language creation of the researched poets of the sixties.


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