



oikonim; time; temporality category; toponimic model; attributive component; linguistic and cultural.


In the article analyzes the linguistic and cultural aspect of the Ukrainian oikonіmes with the attributive components of the Novyi – Staryi. It is proved that the category of time in such names closely correlates with the category of space. It was found that the temporal characteristic of the oikonim can be objective only under the condition of etymological elaboration of onim and taking into account extralinguistic factors that infl uenced the process of creating the name. The study of the 1361 oikonims with the Nov-, Nova , Nove, Novaya, Novyi, Novo- elements made it possible to constant that the attributes in such names indicate a new settlement, the reference component of which is good (own name of territory, region, district, region); a new settlement, the reference component of which is the uninhabited oikonim of the same name (settlements are located within the same region or region); a new settlement, the reference component of which is the ecconium of the same name, combined with the attributive component Staryi; a new settlement, the reference component of which is the ecconium of the same name, combined with another attribute component. The opium of the oikonimes at the present stage is often erased due to the renaming of some of the supporting components. Consideration of 233 oiconimes with the Star-, Stara, Stare, Staryi, Stari, Staro- constituents convinced that such names usually indicate the longer time of the establishment of the settlement, but some of them are not explorers of the time code of culture. As a result of the work carried out, the conclusions are confi rmed that in the oikonim with the components of the Novyi – Staryi linguocultural category of time refl ects the sequence of colonization of the territory; confi rms the migration processes and affi rms the anthropocentric nature of the motives, methods and means of nomination of human inhabited objects.


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