linguistic picture of the world, linguocognitology, dialect nominative units, Marko Cheremshyna, dialectologyAbstract
The article highlights a segment of the Hutsul linguistic picture of the world through the prism of the language of Mark Cheremshyna's story “Karba”. The purpose of the article is to identify the components of the Hutsul dialect picture of the world, represented in the language of Mark Cheremshyna's story “Karba”. During the work on the article, linguistic-cognitive and analytical-descriptive research methods were applied. The result of the scientific study was the analysis of the language of Mark Cheremshyna’s “Karba” from the point of view of fixation in it the features and specifics of the Hutsul world sensation, worldview, world perception, which make it possible to model a certain fragment of the Hutsul linguistic picture of the world. It was established that ethnographically significant naming units, mostly lexical dialectics, occupy a special place for clarifying the linguistic picture of the world. Thus, the dialect names of persons by kinship together with the literary normative ones used in the text of “Karba” give an idea of the family structure of the Hutsuls. Distinctive markers of Hutsulness in the linguistic picture of the mountain world, manifested in the language of the story, are the dialect names of musical instruments (sopivka, dentsivka, trembita), dances and dancers (hutsulka, gaiduk, dantsivnyk), clothes, shoes (bryl kastriovy, postiltsi dubleni, toporets), weapons (strilba, pushka), etc. An important component of the Hutsul linguistic picture of the world is the lexeme karba, which is included in the title of the story. The article also analyzed individual Hutsul psychotypical traits reflected in the linguistic picture of the world. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the fact that, for the first time, it models a segment of the Hutsul linguistic picture of the world through the optics of the story language “Karba”. Practical meaning. The obtained results and research complement modern linguistic-cognitive studies in the area of the linguistic picture of the world. The materials of the article can be used during the study of the creative work of Mark Cheremshyna, as well as in the process of teaching linguocognitology and dialectology at the philological faculties of universities.
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