ethnic symbols, game freckles, text, semantics, epithet, diminutive form, national cultureAbstract
The purpose of the article is to study the linguistic representation of ethnic symbols in the texts of Ukrainian game freckles. The tasks of the article are to consider the epithet characteristic and the reduced-caressing form of the ethnic symbol of wreaths; to determine the semantics and peculiarities of the functioning of the cultural symbol of the Ukrainian people wreaths, ethnic symbols of plants (rue, periwinkle) in the texts of game freckles; to investigate the symbolic meaning of floral symbols, color names, the semantics of the geometric figure of a circle, as integral attributes of the ethnic symbol of wreaths. In the article we determined that the epithet characteristic of the ethnic symbol of wreaths in the texts of game freckles includes the folk song meanings of rue, cruciform, and pea. The choice of the plant from which the wreath was made is not accidental. Thus, the wreath symbolizes virginity, it is a talisman against evil; plants woven into the wreath are also symbolic, they are the following: rue is a symbol of purification and warding off evil spirits; periwinkle symbolizes chastity, vitality, is a harbinger of spring; peas play a significant role in marriage customs; peas in Ukrainian folklore are a symbol of tears. And we also observe color designations: green, blueyellow, silver. Green color is a symbol of peace, hope; blue is a symbol of honor and loyalty; yellow is the color of the sun, silver is the embodiment of femininity, symbolizes carefree joy and innocence. The eloquent semantics of the geometric figure is a circle, as an integral attribute of the ethnic symbol of wreaths, because the circle is a symbol of infinity, perfection, and unity. In the texts of Ukrainian game freckles, the wreath symbolizes girlish love, holiness, chastity, youth, virginity. The reverent attitude to the cultural symbol of wreaths is convincingly demonstrated by the diminutive and caressing forms of wreath. Prospects for further research consist in the study of the symbolic meanings of flora-lexemes in Ukrainian folklore texts.
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