expressiveness, word-forming suffi x, derivative, morphonological means, morphonological models of alternation of phonemes and accents, truncations and accumulation of morphemes.Abstract
The article is devoted to the semantic category of expressiveness and the role of word formation means and morphology in its expression. The author proceeds from the understanding of this category as a collection of semantic-stylistic signs of units of different language levels, by means of which they transmit the attitude of the speaker to the content or the addressee of the speech and reach the infl uence on the intellectual, emotional and volitional spheres of the recipient. It accumulates emotionality, appreciation, imagery, intensity, stylistic marking, etc. of linguistic means. Attention is focused on word-building means. The word-building suffi xes (deminutive-meliorative and augmentative-pejorative) are singled out, which are most actively involved in processes of expressive word-formation. It is shown that each of them is able to interact with the stems of different morphological structures, even though there are formal prohibitions on their compatibility. This is due to the inclusion in the word-forming processes of mechanisms of various morphological models. The essence of each of them is one and the same formal modifi cation of one or both components of the word-building structure of the derivative - the forming stem and / or word-forming affi xes. On concrete actual material it has been demonstrated that the same expressibly marked suffi x can act in pairs with different morphological models – everything depends on the formal manifestation of the forming stem. Models based on the alternation of vowels and / or consonant phonemes in the composition of the formung stem, the stress alternation, the truncation of of the wordmotivator stem, or the accumulation of any of the derivative components are revealed. The probability of deviations from current morphological regularities in the structure of individual author neologisms is confi rmed and their expressive signifi cance is confi rmed.
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