


phraseological units; national symbols; the names of domestic animals; structural components; symbolic meaning; symbolic basis; verbal symbolism.


The article describes the national symbolism of the phraseological units of the East Slavic languages with the components of the names on the designation of domestic animals; It has been clarifi ed that the refl ection of the animal world in stable compounds is primarily due to the tradition of pre-Christian times, when a person considered himself part of nature, and when a person personifi ed nature and gave representatives of plant and animal life features inherent in man a comparative analysis of the structure of the Ukrainian, Russian and Belarusian phraseological units with the names on the designation of domestic animals The author has done the comparative analysis of the Ukrainian, Russian and Belarusian phraseological units’ structure with the names of domestic animals; it has been clarifi ed the component-symbols in that phraseological units – those linguistic values that refl ect, capture and transmit the specifi cs of each ethnic group from one generation to the next, form its cultural codes, defi ne the mentality of the people, and the study of which in the interlingual aspect demonstrates the perception of the respective cultures; the author establishes that the main part of phraseological units is formed under the infl uence of anthropocentric ideas, the conviction of man in his superiority over the animal world. Comparative analysis of the East Slavic languages phraseology’s structure with the names of domestic animals revealed their common and distinctive features and showed that the animal world, represented in the phraseologisms of related languages, is characterized by both universality and the peculiarities of national perception; The author defi nes that the stable expressions with a zoonomic component are widespread and actively used in the studied languages and closely related to the national-cultural traditions of each people. The prospects of our research lie in the expanding the body of the phraseological units with the zoonomic component in the Ukrainian, Russian and Belarusian languages, further interlingual comparison of them and revealing their national and cultural identity.


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