oral translation; sequential translation; technology; features; skills.Abstract
A scientifi c article describes the sequential translation as a kind of oral translation. The coverage of sequential translation, features of its implementation and frequent use is presented. The model and principles of sequential translation are investigated. Required translator skills for implementing sequential translation. The research paper describes a consecutive translation as a type of oral translation an d presents three main aspects of translation activity, namely: communicative, reproductive and linguistic-textual. The peculiarities of its implementation are given and the process of verbal consecutive translation, which is disproportionately divided into the stage of audition and the stage of understanding the discourse and the process of language generation, is analyzed. The author of the research paper singles out the basic skills necessary for carrying out consequtive translation, emphasizing the ability to emotionally transfer the information received. The article emphasizes the importance of the fi rst stage of translation (semantic perception of translation), on which the completeness and accuracy of consecutive translation is dependent. The main types of consecutive translation and their functional features are considered. The basic strategies and tactics of the consecutive translation depending on the text of the original and the target audience are analyzed. Two alternate principles are marked out, which are the basis for the translation as a link of linguistic and cultural communication. The research paper focuses on the peculiarities of the interpreter’s activity during consecutive translation, for the adequacy of which he/she must proceed from the communicative setting and realize the different levels of equivalence (syntactic, semantic, and referential). The author of the research paper analyzes the individual skills and abilities of the interpreter during consecutive translation in general and professionally oriented in particular. The basic knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for the implementation of oral consecutive two-way translation are revealed. The ability to switch from one language to another within the pre-selected semantic system for work in certain areas of specialization is of special signifi cance.
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Усний послідовний переклад. Взято з: http://ftbtranslation.com/ua/ustnyjperevod- v-kieve/posledovatelnyj-perevod-v-kieve-nedorogo.html© адрес сайта