woman, winged pronunciation, aphorism, paramia, proverb, image, estimation.Abstract
The article deals with the axiological and modal parameters of the evaluation of a woman as a personality as a speaker of the beautiful sex of mankind with the help of characterizing means of language: aphorisms of various types, winged sayings, proverbs, sayings, etc. It is proved that a woman is the engine of progress, the basis and cause of all that happens in society, as well as the object of love and adoration. A woman is perceived and evaluated by the following parameters: appearance;as an object of love and deifi cation; manner of behavior, due to features of the character and properties of the psyche; as a guardian of the home hearth; female luck; role in society. In the circle of aphoristic expressions and winged expressions associated with the fi rst position in this series of categorical features, two subgroups are clearly distinguished: a) not personifi ed, the general characteristic of a woman as a generalized subject; b) a personifi ed score having its addressee and that, due to the accuracy and expressiveness of its verbalization, became a winged one. In all the variety of phraseological units (idioms, phrases, proverbs, sayings, aphorisms, linguistic stamps, winged sentences and literary citations), as well as in units of text, the image of the beautiful sex of mankind in different times and epochs is drawn up, fi xed and preserved for the descendants. In them, the characteristic features of a woman are refl ected not only in general sense content, but also in the features of its individual mental system, magnetized by emotions and intentions, as well as its value relation to the surrounding and to itself. Verbal complexes of different types verbalize the image of women as a source and carrier of forming tendencies of general cultural and social development through the prism of national-cultural specifi cs.
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