preparation, preparation for writing, children of preschool age, language, motor skills, elementary school pupil.Abstract
Today in Ukraine there is a global reform of the education system. In this process, the problem of continuity and promise between pre-school and primary education is important in preparing the child’s hand for writing. The purpose of the article is to fi nd out the role of succession in preparing the hand for the letter of the children of the senior preschool age and fi rst grade students. It is found that preparing a child for study is a long process. It covers the entire pre-school period and the period of child’s education in the fi rst class. That is why we are talking about the continuity of preparing a chi ld for writing. Continuity in the study - the sequence and systematic in the placement of educational material, the connection and consistency of the stages and stages of the educational process. The process of writing skills requires a student of the fi rst class not only physical, intellectual, but also emotional effort. Therefore, it is recommended that the child’s preparation for writing a letter be started well before entering school. It is important to note that preparing a child for exercises should be based on the developmental possibilities and the needs of the child. Preparation of the hands of the children of the senior preschool age and elementary school students should be made taking into account age, physiological possibilities of children, their psychological features, in particular: weak development of small arm muscles, lack of coordination of movements during writing, low resistance with prolonged stress, slow tempo, insuffi cient formation of optical perception of graphic image, imperfection of mechanisms of internal planning of movements and actions, perceptual synthesis. Thus, the writing process consists of a number of skills, each of which requires special exercises to work out them. Therefore, the teacher should not made the speed of writing, but learn gradually, taking into account the continuity in the preparation of the hand to the letter of the children of the senior preschool age and students of the first class.
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