language education; communicative competence; sociocultural competence; the principle of textcentricism; literature of native land; Lviv writers.Abstract
The article is devoted to the important problem of modern linguodidactics in the fi eld of primary education - the development of socio-cultural competence of students. It is emphasized that it is one of the components of communicative competence. Formation of this key competence of the individual has been recognized as the main goal of teaching Ukrainian at elementary school. It is shown that the requirement for the enrichment of the socio-cultural experience of the junior pupil involves the use in studying different language subjects of the didactic material of Ukrainian and regional history. It is recognized that the best form of presentation of this material is textual. The text demonstrates the specifi cs of the functioning of the learned language phenomena and units; he is the bearer of a wide variety of extra linguistic information; by its content can awaken the reader a variety of thoughts and feelings, adjust to refl ections, encourage discussion; The text contains powerful educational opportunities. Therefore, not only will it help to interest children in educational material, but will also stimulate their cognitive interest and growth in terms of national-cultural. The article focuses on the writers of the native land as a reliable didactic basis for the formation of sociocultural competence. The works of Lviv poets Igor Kalynets, Irina Kalynets, Maria Ludkevich, Bohdan Stelmakh, Maria Khorosnitskaya, Maria Chumarnaya are analyzed in the context of their Ukrainian studies and local lore signifi cance. The material of specifi c poems demonstrates possible ways of assimilating language concepts and socio-cultural information, as well as developing language and communication skills and abilities.
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