


Ginkgo biloba L., relict, seeds, metabolically active substances, germination, non-seed year.


Despite the fact that Ginkgo biloba L. is a relic, this plant is promising for the greening of settlements in Ukraine, as it is resistant to pollutants of various origins. The research material was Ginkgo biloba seedlings and metabolically active substances, namely: kudesan (ubiquinone-10) (0,001%), vitamin E (10-8 M), paraoxybenzoic acid (POBА) (0,001%), methionine (0,001%), magnesium sulfate (MgSO4) (0,001%) and their combinations: vitamin E (10-8 M) + kudesan (ubiquinone-10) (0,001%); vitamin E (10-8 M) + paraoxybenzoic acid (0,001%) + methionine (0,001%); vitamin E (10-8 M) + paraoxybenzoic acid (0,001%) + methionine (0,001%) + MgSO4 (0,001%). The seeds were treated with the studied substances before sowing. During the study of the effect of drugs on seed germination, it was established that 2022 was not a seed year for ginkgo plants. Metabolically active substances, as well as their combinations, effectively affect the germination rate of fertile seeds, even if the year of its formation was unfavorable. The most stimulating effect on seed germination was observed in variants with pre-treatment of seeds with vitamin E and combinations based on vitamin E + POBА + methionine and vitamin E + kudesan (ubiquinone-10), which exceeded the control value by 180, 160 and 120%, respectively. MgSO4 also had a positive effect, which contributed to an increase in the seed germination rate by 100% compared to the control. The growth of the aerial part of the formed seedlings was best affected by the combination of compounds from vitamin E + POBА + methionine + MgSO4, which was 4% higher than the control value in terms of stem height and 30% in terms of the average number of leaves. Kudesan (ubiquinone-10) and multicomponent combinations based on vitamin E + POBА + methionine and vitamin E + POBА + methionine + MgSO4 had the best effect on the growth of the underground part. The use of these substances helped to increase the linear length of the main root and the number of lateral roots. Thus, the use of metabolically active substances and their combinations for pre-treatment of seeds before sowing is a reasonable measure to obtain more planting material of Ginkgo biloba plants in non-seed years.


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