Purpose and tasks

The editorial office of the collection of scientific works Acta Carpathica adheres to the policy of open access to articles, supports the principles of free dissemination of scientific information and exchange of knowledge.

The purpose of the collection of scientific works is to intensify the exchange of scientific views in the field of biology and ecology at the national and international levels, to involve the general public in solving the environmental problems of the Carpathian region, Ukraine and the world.

Program goals: publication of scientific articles, experimental studies and specialized reviews on biology, agriculture, forestry, ecology, tourism and other areas.

Main tasks:

  • promote the creation of an open information environment that ensures interaction between leading specialists and young scientists in the field of environmental and biological sciences;
  • to activate the development of the international community of specialists in the field of theory and practice of research in ecology and biology;
  • promote the development and implementation of advanced domestic ecologically balanced, energy- and resource-saving technologies in all branches of economic activity, direct their work to increase the level of environmental culture of citizens.