
  • Zoryana ADAMSKA


communication skills, future psychologists’ communicative competence, social and psychological training.


The problem of psychological peculiarities of development communicative competence of future psychologists is reported in the article. On the basis of the theoretical and methodological analysis of existing approaches to the problem of communicative competence in native and foreign psychology the concept of communicative competence is defined as an integral property in the structure of future psychologists’ personality, which includes such structural components as gnostic – the level of students psychologists’ erudition as to the importance of communication and communicative skills in their future professional activity; emotional – the level of communicative control development, psychological stability in interpersonal relationships, the level of empathy; conative (behavioral) – communicative tolerance, knack to listen, communicative and managerial abilities. According to the defined components, the complex empirical research procedure of communicative competence peculiarities development of future psychologists is founded; the analysis of research results of psychological peculiarities of communicative competence of students psychologists development is done. The programme of social and psychological training «Development of communicative skills of future psychologists» is described, that is aimed to activate students self-development processes (self-knowledge, self-assessment, self-designing); development of communicative and perceptual qualities, the ability to communicate with other people.


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