
  • Halyna ASYEYEVA



pedagogical creativity, meta-activity, self-development, goals of pedagogical activity, subindividual character of creativity, system of the basic level of creative personality, personal reflection


Creativity of pedagogical activity is diverse. It mani-fests itself in non-standard approaches to solving problems, in deve-loping new methods, forms, techniques and their original combina-tions; in the effective use of existing experience in the new environ-ment; in the ability to see options for solving the same problem, the formulation of various operational goals; in the ability to transform methodological recommendations, theoretical positions into concrete pedagogical actions. All manifestations of pedagogical creativity lar-gely depend on how creative is the teacher’s social reflection aimed at the student ‒ the main subject of pedagogical activity. Realization of the creative nature of pedagogical activity depends on the perso-nality of the teacher, his personal qualities. The individual peculiarity of the teacher, his uniqueness determines the stylistic peculiarities of the activity, which are connected with concrete steps of its reali-zation. In our study, the criteria for determining the indicators of crea-tivity of teachers were: «discovery» by the teacher of internal percep-tion of the personality traits of the student, as well as penetrating into dynamics and contradiction of its integral structure; the degree of frequency and heterogeneity of actions by which such «discovery» is achieved; indicators of the content and strength of the motives of the teacher’s training of students, etc. It should be added that in the process of pedagogical self-edu-cation, the teacher must feel freedom of expression. Teaching activi-ties can not be regulated, squeezed into a solid framework of instruc-tions. The approval of the professional freedom of the teacher (which provides for the choice of content, tasks, methods, forms of education and training, the right to pedagogically grounded initiatives, raising the material level, etc.) is a possible organization of the process of self-education of the teacher.


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