



students; migrant students; sanogenic thinking; pathogenic thinking; sanogenic reflection


The development of modern student youth takes place in quite difficult conditions. Social, economic, political, domestic, migratory, educational etc. problems that occur in students can lead to deterio-ration of psychological and physical health and therefore require mobilization of external and internal resources to overcome them. We consider sanogenic or pathogenic thinking to be one of the internal resources for overcoming adversity. Sanogenic thinking is a mindset that reduces intrapersonal conflict and mental tension. It helps to get rid of the negative effects from emotional stress promoting self-regulation and awareness of different emotions, desires, needs, and thus prevents morbidity. Opposite to sanogenic thinking is pathogenic thinking that can lead to illness or pathology of the individual. With this kind of thinking, mental tension increases through negative experiences, and a complicated situation in relationships between people increases, which leads to emotional stress or illness. Sanogenic thinking gives students significant gains: belief in themselves, in their own strengths; contributes to success in any business; helps to overcome obstacles, failures and crises successfully; forms an opportunity for more effective adaptation to changes in life; optimism, self-control, friendly relations with others; healthy livestyle, improved health; a new life position with such mottos: «I can», «Many things depend on me», «I believe in myself, in life, in success». All these things are necessary for students for their successful personal and professional development. The means of mastering the method of sanogenic thinking is sanogenic reflection, the function of which is the awareness of the mechanisms of psychological protection and control of emotions and psychological states of the individual. Our research has shown that students are dominated by sanogenic thinking. However, there are some students who have signs of pathogenic thinking exclusively, and some students who have both pathogenic and pathogenic thinking. The results of empirical research also indicate that the intensity of the subjective sense of physical disability depends on sanogenic thinking and optimism. The obtained results actualize the problem of studying the peculiarities of students’ sanogenic thinking and point to the need for development of sanogenic reflection skills. The personal growth of a student on the way to acquiring the skills of sanogenic thinking will be directed to become more successful than before, to be emotionally stable, providing for the acquisition of ways of behavioral and inte-llectual protection from both external and internal dangers. We believe that the development of students’ sanogenic reflection skills should be one of the areas of psychological and pedagogical support for university students.


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