


values; value-sense sphere; optimization of the development of the value-sense sphere; adolescence


The article summarizes theoretical generalization of psychological peculiarities of the future teachers’ value-sense sphere through the analysis of its structure, interrelation of components, professional orientation as well as ways and means of its development in the educational process. It is established that the value-semantic sphere of the future teacher is studied in the framework of various scientific approaches, the main of which are: activity, personal, acmeological, axiological, subjective and semantic. The value-sense sphere plays a system-forming role in the personality of the future teacher and is the center of the spiritual-semantic regulation of his professional activity and behavior. The personal aspect of professionalization of a person with an emphasis on his activity in carrying out this process is most fully embodied in the concept of «professional self-determination», by which we mean a long and dynamic process, which includes the develop-ment of a person in professional activity, the formation of his individual characteristics and personality traits, the choice of life ways, as well as the creative development and enrichment of a person’s professional activity. It is argued that the personal and professional self-determination of a person who attaches to certain professional values, comprehends their content, correlates it with their own inner world, takes place in the process of professionalization. The result of such inner work will be an independent and conscious search for the meaning of work and all life in general, since only a meaningful attitude to the profession, acceptance of its importance, transforms the relevant activity into a means of personal growth. The article stresses that it is necessary to develop the value-sense sphere of a personality while studying at university as a basic component of the formation of a future professional, since the most urgent task of modern pedagogical education is to transform it into a means not only to obtain a profession, but also to gain the sense of life. In further studies it is advisable to empirically study the psycho-logical features of the value-sense sphere of future educators.


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