


intelligence, emotional intelligence, social intelligence, emotional competence


The article is devoted to theoretical studies of the problem of emotional intelligence of the individual. The relevance of the research is determined by the dynamic development of the modern world, which requires a person to be highly stress-resistant in conditions of constant changes, flexibility, the ability to manage one’s own emotional stress, and efficiency in communication. The scientific approaches of foreign and domestic researchers regarding the definition of the essence, structure, and functions of personality emotional intelligence are summarized. It has been found that a person’s success in the modern world is determined not so much by academic knowledge in one or another field or by the level of general intelligence, but by the ability to interact effectively through the understanding of one’s own and other people’s emotions. The systematization of information about emotional intelligence made it possible to conclude that emotional intelligence is an integral characteristic of personality. It helps a person to be aware of his own and other people’s emotions, to isolate the emotional subtext of interpersonal relationships, to manage his own behavior in various life situations, and to transform negative emotions into a source of motivation. It is emphasized that the ability to manage emotions is a necessary condition for successful adaptation in society. It is affirmed that emotional intelligence is an important personal competence that allows a person to be flexible, communicative, be able to determine priorities and choose the most effective ways to achieve a goal.


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