


health, health culture, content components, structural components, youth age


In the article, health is considered as a fundamental value, a complex state of mental wellbeing of an individual, which is characterized by the absence of painful manifestations and ensures the regulation of behavior and activity adequate to the conditions of reality. Health culture is defined as an integrative qualitative formation of a personality, a complex of knowledge, views, beliefs, abilities and skills that contribute to the application of useful information and its transformation into concrete actions. The meaningful components of the structure of health are revealed, namely, psychological culture, safety culture, informational culture, spiritual culture, physical culture, nutritional culture, hygienic culture, culture of family relationships, communication culture, culture of using medical services. The structural components of the culture of health are singled out and highlighted, namely: value-motivational (underlines the importance of forming a system of values for a healthy lifestyle and awareness of health as a priority), cognitive (determines the need for multi-functionality of knowledge and familiarity with various fields of psychology and medicine), active (includes the systematic addition of knowledge and its real application, developing the ability to build individual health development programs), creative (emphasizes initiative, independence and a creative approach to health, which is important for adapting to changes and solving problems) and reflective (includes awareness of responsibility for one’s own health and assessment of the effectiveness of health culture formation). These components determine the key aspects of students’ psychological readiness to realize health as the main aspect of life. Examining the dynamics of the development of components and their interaction with other aspects of education and upbringing illuminates the processes of selfimprovement and preservation of health, which are key for students in a higher education institution. It is argued that the process of developing the components of the health structure contributes to the renewal and filling of meaningful components that reflect the set of knowledge, values, abilities and skills related to a healthy lifestyle.


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