



microfertilizer, “Avatar-2 organic”, productivity, morphogenesis, seed germinating power, biotesting, Pisum sativum


In recent years, there has been a constant search for ways to increase crop sustainability and productivity not harming the environment (such as complex organic fertilizers) and not accumulating in the soil. Significant attention is paid to bacterial fertilizers, but their application is expensive and species-specific for plants. Microfertilizer with nanoparticles “Avatar-2 organic” is a preparation designed to improve nitrogen-phosphorus nutrition, and increase the plants’ stress resistance and productivity. In the process of studying the effect of microfertilizer with nanoparticles “Avatar-2 organic” on the morphogenesis of Pisum sativum, the following indicators were studied: the similarity of seeds of peas sown, seed biotesting and determination of phytotoxicity of the microfertilizer impact, and quantitative indicators of convergence in vitro on a soil substrate with different microfertilizer dosages. It was found that the percentage of sown peas seeds similarity depends on the dosage of “Avatar-2 organic” microfertilizer. The percentage of seed similarity increases in proportion to the increase in the dosage of microfertilizer, if at a dosage of 5 μl the similarity increases by only 6,7%, then it increases by 26,7% relative to the control at 100 μl. The increase in the root of pea seeds in the research groups is higher than the control values, that is, the “Avatar-2 organic” microfertilizer does not cause toxic effects and plant growth retardation. It has been established that the treatment of pea seeds with microfertilizer with nanoparticles “Avatar-2 organic” leads to an increase in seed germinating power, and, accordingly, an increase in productivity, a decrease in the germination period, improved morphogenesis of plants, better development of the root system through the root growth acceleration. The highest values were found when applying “Avatar-2 organic” microfertilizer at a dosage of 50 and 100 μl.


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