Red Book of Ukraine, rare plants, abundance, flora, taxonomic diversityAbstract
Degradation of natural habitats causes rapid extinction of rare plant populations. Many plants are threatened with extinction precisely because of the violation of habitat condition caused by land plowing and deforestation. Such processes as urbanization and recreational load, uncontrolled tourism cause a decrease in the number and threaten the disappearance of many species of plants, primarily with decorative and medicinal properties. In this regard, the protection of the entire plant world, especially rare and endangered species, acquires a special state, scientific and practical importance. One of the main tasks of research is the identification of endangered plant species that are protected at the state and regional levels, their constant monitoring and the development of recommendations for the purpose of preserving and reproducing phytodiversity. The article presents the results of the study of rare and endangered species of Drohobytsky district (Rivne village). The systematic composition was determined, and the ecological and coenotic structure was determined. It has been established that the flora of the district includes 30 species of rare and endangered species belonging to 29 genera, 21 families, and 2 divisions. Division of Magnoliophyta counts 29 species (96,6%), of which Liliopsida accounted for 40,0%, the Magnoliopsida – 56,6%. Division Lycopodiophyta, monotypic, contains only 1 species (3,4%). The families Orchidaceae and Ranunculaceae are the most numerous, with 4 species each, which is 13,3%. The Rosaceae, Amaryllidaceae and Iridaceae families have 2 species (6,6%). It was found that among the plants, the immoral florocenotype dominates 43,4% (13 species), the meadow florocenotype is 40,0% (12 species). An insignificant part is the hygrophilic spectrum of flora, which includes 5 (16,6%) species. In terms of life forms, the most numerous are cryptophytes (53,3%), the second most numerous are hemicryptophytes (33,3%).
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