energy systems, light-sensitive materials, photocells, mathematical modelingAbstract
The article examines the state of the energy situation today, which requires the modernization of energy systems using renewable sources that provide environmental aspects. Sunlight is one of the ecologically stable "clean" resources that are actively used for the production of eco-electricity. The use of such renewable sources is based on the improvement of photoconversion processes with the aim of obtaining "clean" electricity in the most ecologically favorable conditions. That is why various researches in the field of fleet voltaics are quite relevant and promising, which will make it possible to increase the amount of eco-energy obtained. An analysis of the development of solar energy technologies, the use of which contributes to the dynamic development of the photovoltaic industry of Ukraine, photovoltaic materials and structural modifications of solar panels with the aim of further progress of this industry, was carried out. Modern approaches used for the production of photovoltaic systems, taking into account the use of light-sensitive materials with the involvement of an extended range of light, are highlighted. Modern methods of evaluating the effectiveness of nanomaterials are analyzed and a quick method of evaluation using mathematical modeling is proposed.
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