body type, heart rate, blood pressure, systolic blood volume, minute blood volume, hemodynamicsAbstract
Recently, scientists have focused their research on the problem of the relationship between the general, private and local constitution of the human body, which makes it possible to predict the specificity of reactive processes that take place in any organ or system of organs, or in a whole organism. Such interest in the study of the constitutional features of the human body is due to the manifestation of different reactivity of the whole organism to the same influence of factors of endogenous and exogenous origin, in terms of strength and duration of action. The relationship between the state of health and the constitutional characteristics of the body is the main component of constitutional science. The purpose of the study – to investigate the peculiarities of the central hemodynamics of the body of young men of different somatotypes. To achieve the goal, we used the following methods: anthropological (determination of body types), about the state of the cardiovascular system by such indicators as heart rate, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, pulse pressure, systolic blood volume, minute blood volume, methods statistical processing. The research was conducted on a group of volunteers, a total of 320 people, aged 18–20, male. All study participants were divided into three subgroups according to their physique. According to anthropometric indicators, students were divided into three groups according to the type of physique: digestive – 108 people, muscular – 86 people, astheno-thoracic –106 people. Thus, the representatives have the maximum pulse values characteristic of the astheno-thoracic body type, but at the same time, they are characterized by the average values of blood pressure, pulse pressure, SOC and HOC. Representatives of the digestive type are characterized by the average pulse rate and the maximum blood pressure, pulse pressure, SOC and COC. The muscular body type is characterized by the lowest indicators of pulse, blood pressure, SOC and HOC in comparison with the digestive and astheno-thoracic body types.
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