environmental problems, the Carpathian region, sustainable economic development, environmental protection, environmental protection, rational nature managementAbstract
The article examines the main ecological and economic aspects of the development of the Carpathian region, defines the main environmental problems of Lviv region and Ivano-Frankivsk region, and suggests possible ways to overcome them. The main indicators of the ecological and economic development of the Carpathian regions in the Ecological rating of the regions of Ukraine for 2022 are given. It is noted that the Chernivtsi region occupies a leading position in the ecological rating of the regions of Ukraine during 2021–2022. It is substantiated that since the ecological situation in Ukraine as a whole, and in the Carpathian region in particular, is particularly difficult, pollution of the environment, air, water bodies and grants causes irreparable damage to people’s health. It has been proven that the relationship between the economy and ecology is becoming more and more obvious and requires an integrated approach to solving this problem. The tasks that require immediate solutions to overcome existing environmental problems in the region are substantiated. Attention is focused on the expediency of using renewable energy sources as an important element of ecological and economic development, which will reduce dependence on imported oil and gas, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and ensure sustainable development of the economy of the Carpathian region. It was emphasized that a separate aspect of ecological and economic development is the provision of environmental safety and control over emissions of pollutants. As a result of the conducted scientific research, it was established that in the future the economic development of the Carpathian region should be sustainable, that is, it should ensure the appropriate level of economic growth without disturbing the ecological balance. Therefore, it is necessary to develop effective development plans that provide for environmental protection and rational use of all available resources.
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