magnesium, functional state, insular apparatus, thymus, blood lymphocytes.Abstract
The work is devoted to conducting comparative studies of magnesium content in pancreatic β-cells, thymic epithelial cells and blood lymphocytes of animals during activation, suppression and blocking of the secretory function of the pancreas. The relevance of studies of the content of intracellular magnesium is due to the importance of this metal for the functioning of the insular apparatus and the immune system, as well as the involvement of the latter in the mechanisms of the development of insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. The development in our laboratory of the cytochemical reaction of lumomagnesone to magnesium in cells of the blood, pancreas and thymus allowed us to conduct such studies. Experiments were conducted on outbred mice and rats aged 6 months. The state of suppression of the secretory function of β-cells of pancreatic islets was obtained by administering atropine, adrenaline, prednisone and acute starvation to the animals. An increase in the secretory activity of these cells was caused by injections of glucose, pilocarpine, and cholecystokinin. Experimental data were processed using Student’s t-test. The Pearson correlation coefficient (r) was calculated to assess the degree of relationship between changes in the studied indicators. The state of hypofunction of the islet apparatus of the pancreas was modeled by introducing the diabetogenic substance streptozotocin to the animals. It was established that suppression of the secretory activity of insulin-producing cells caused an increase in magnesium content by 17% (Р < 0,05) – 39% (Р < 0,001), and activation of this function, on the contrary, decreased its content by 25% (Р < 0,05) – 37% (Р < 0,001) in pancreatic β cells, epithelial cells of the thymus, blood lymphocytes of mice and rats. Blocking the function of the insular apparatus after streptozotocin injection led to the development of pronounced metal deficiency in the studied cells, which varied between 44–54% (Р < 0,001). In all cases, there was a positive correlation of changes in magnesium content in islet β-cells, thymus cells, and blood lymphocytes of experimental animals, which indicates the existence of close functional connections between the insular apparatus and the immune system.
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