acquired myopia, blood chemistry, lipid metabolism, triglycerides, cholesterol, high-density lipoproteins, low-density lipoproteins, atherogenic index.Abstract
The presented study is dedicated to investigating the peculiarities of the impact of acquired myopia on lipid metabolism indicators in humans. Myopia, also known as nearsightedness, is one of the most common vision impairments worldwide, affecting millions of people. This ophthalmological condition is characterized by a shift in the focus of the eye, leading to reduced clarity of vision at distant distances. Myopia can also pose challenges in learning and work, as well as in performing various tasks that require clear distance vision, such as reading small print or participating in sports where visual acuity at a distance is crucial. Underestimating its impact on the quality of life can lead to serious consequences, including limitations in activity and social interaction. However, myopia is not merely an ophthalmological issue, but a complex biological process intertwined with numerous factors, with a significant role attributed to lipid metabolism. Lipids play a crucial role in the functioning of the body, regulating biochemical processes and influencing gene expression. Therefore, lipid metabolism dysfunction can impact various aspects of physiology and pathophysiology. In this scientific article, we aim to analyze lipid metabolism indicators in individuals with acquired myopia. The objective of this work is to understand whether changes in lipid metabolism are associated with acquired myopia and to elucidate the molecular mechanisms underlying this connection. To achieve this goal, we collected data from individuals with myopia and those without myopia and compared their lipid profiles. The results of this study may hold substantial practical significance for ophthalmologists, biochemists, and the medical field in general. They may contribute to the development of personalized approaches to the prevention of this condition based on the individual lipid metabolism characteristics of each patient. Targeting various signaling cascades contributing to the development of myopia, from retinal image processing to scleral growth, could be an effective strategy for myopia control.
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