food lentil, plant growth regulators, growth, symbiotic system, yield.Abstract
The purpose of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness of presowing treatment of Lens Culinaris Medikus seeds of the Linza variety with plant growth regulators, Regoplant and Stympo, based on plant growth parameters, formation of symbiotic systems on the roots, and seed yield. A field experiment was conducted on the territory of the agrobiolaboratory of Volodymyr Hnatiuk Ternopil National Pedagogical University from 2019 to 2022. Plants were grown using a common technology for the Forest-Steppe region of Ukraine. The seeds were moistened with water at a rate of 2% of their mass before sowing (control) and with plant growth regulators Regoplant (25 ml/l) and Stympo (2,5 ml/l). The variants were arranged in a single-row sequence with four replications and an accounting area of 4 m2. Data underwent descriptive and correlation (P ≤ 0,05) analysis. It was established that the use of plant growth regulators stimulated growth processes and increased the seed productivity of plants. The plant growth regulator Stympo was more effective, increasing the height of shoots during the budding, flowering, and green pod phases by 19,6, 27,6, and 21,1% compared to the control. Additionally, it increased the quantity and weight of fresh nodules on the roots of plants by 47,3 and 50,5% during the flowering phase, and by 5,9 and 18,2% in terms of the weight of 1 000 seeds and seed yield. Therefore, plant growth regulators Regoplant and Stympo at the specified doses can be effectively used in the technology of growing food lentils in the Western Forest-Steppe of Ukraine to increase its productivity.
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