


oil-contaminated soils, energy plants, humates (Humifield Forte and Fulvital Plus).


In times of war, studying the phytoremediation of soil with the help of energy crops is of great importance. In this regard, one of the most promising remediation agents is humates that can effectively improve the adaptive properties of plants. The research aim was to establish optimal concentrations of humate solutions (Humifield Forte and Fulvital Plus) for pre-sowing treatment of energy plant seeds to increase their stress resistance and crop capacity, with the aim of using them further in an integrated approach of phytoremediation of oil-contaminated soils with the production of energy biomass. Energy crops that are resistant to oil pollution and suitable to produce both liquid and solid biofuels were selected. The studied crops include: Melilotus officinalis (L.) Pall., Camelina sativa, Sorghum saccharatum (L.) Pers., Avena sativa L., Panicum virgatum L.), Secale cereale. Optimal concentrations of aqueous solutions of humates (Humifield Forte and Fulvital Plus) for pre-sowing treatment of seeds of these plants were determined. The correlation between initial growth parameters of energy crops and the concentrations of humate solutions of 0,1–0,4 g/l was observed. It was established that M. officinalis, S. Saccharatum, A. sativa, P. virgatum, C. sativa and S. cereale when exposed to Fulvital in oil-contaminated soil, exhibit species-specific properties. Fulvital Plus in a concentration of 0,1–0,4 g/l mainly does not improve the growth indicators of plants. The exception is Avena sativa for which a slight increase in shoot height was observed in a Fulvital concentration of 0,4 g/l. Humifield Forte in a concentration of 0,1–0,2 g/l stimulates the shoot growth of A. sativa and P. virgatum in conditions of oil-contaminated soil but reduces the root growth of these plants. A mixed reaction was also observed for Sorghum saccharatum. The best results were achieved when using Humifield Forte in concentrations of 0,1–0,2 g/l for pre-sowing seed treatment of M. officinalis and S. cereale. Such pre-sowing treatment with Humifield Forte in the concentration of 0,1–0,2 g/l is optimal for increasing stress resistance and crop capacity of Melilotus officinalis and Secale cereale using an integrated approach of phytoremediation of oil-contaminated soils with obtaining energy biomass.


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